Complete branding for Cosmos Brewing, a craft brewery startup.
I helped create this brand: logo design, packaging design, web design, social media content, vehicle wraps, festival / trade show booths, posters, sales materials, company forms, tap handles, apparel graphics, and everything else under the sun for this micro brewery startup. Cosmos Brewing was a delicious addition to the Twin Cities craft beer Big Bang, but unfortunately the universe had other plans and the owners decided to part ways after 2 years of production.

Beer Can Designs:
Planet XPA Extreme Pale Ale, Light Source Lager, 3D Hoppy Lager

Bomber Bottle Label Designs:
Crispy Dream Imperial Vanilla Cream Ale, Muttnik Peanut Butter Porter, Pillars of Creation 1: Tropical White IPA

Tap Handle Designs:
Planet XPA Extreme Pale Ale, Muttnik Peanut Butter Porter, Pillars of Creation 1: Tropical White IPA, Light Source Lager

Tap Handle Designs:
Plane Shifter Nebulous Juicy IPA, Crop Formation Witbier: Honey Wit Basil, 3D Hoppy Lager

Company Truck Wrap

Beer Festival / Trade Show Booth

Beer Festival / Trade Show Booth

T-shirt Designs

Beer Poster Design: Deep Sky Double IPA

Beer Poster Design: 3D Hoppy Lager

Beer Poster Design: IRA Imperial Red Ale

Beer Poster Design: Plane Shifter Juicy IPA

Beer Poster Design: Firkin Friday the 13th

Beer Poster Design: Tap Invasion